Design Tips
Lighting makes a huge impact! Not only does it brighten a space, it sets the tone of a room. Make your lighting special! It should coordinate in your open spaces but does not all need to be a matching set. For size, in general add together the measurement of your room. For example a 10 foot by 12 foot room would get a 22” wide light fixture.
We like to make the bones of a home neutral with finishes that coordinate throughout. The bones of your home is everything that is permanent. For example, walls, cabinets, countertops, etc. Bring color in with artwork, pillows and accessories. Those items are much easier and more affordable to change out when you want a fresh look.
We like to use one neutral color in the common living space. This helps each room flow into one another for a more open feel. In rooms that have a door, i.e., office, bathrooms, bedrooms feel free to change up the color. Flat paint helps hide imperfections which is why its general used on ceilings and in apartments. Gloss is most commonly used for doors and trim. On walls we usually recommend a washable matte, satin or eggshell.
Hanging drapes can be tricky but it doesn’t have to be. Always be sure the drapes hang to the floor (just slightly above). We don’t want them to look like “high-waters.” Puddling is also a look that some people prefer. Pudding is where your drapes literally puddle two or more inches on the floor. While drapes should always be a couple inches above the window and trim, we sometimes like to take them even higher to create a more dramatic look. A higher hang will make the ceiling height seem taller.
Rugs can also be a good place to bring in a pop of color. Some rugs can also be layered for added texture. If you have a beautiful wood floor, we don’t want to totally cover it, so just use rugs as a soft accent under your feet. Leave your walk ways open. When placing your rugs, a good rule of thumb is to have the front legs of your furniture on the rug. This helps to bring your eye into the focal area.
Hanging Art
Art is different for everyone. Some love to collect one of a kind pieces while others just want the color and style to add something to the room. Art can be personal and you should love it! When it comes to hanging art, in general many people hang artwork too high. We like to see it at eye level. The trick to a cohesive look is finding a common center and using that center to base where you hang each piece. When stacking art one above another, be sure your common center height is between the stacked pieces. Mix and match frames for more visual interest.
Don’t be afraid to mix metals in your home. A black light fixture is fine mixed with a gold or silver faucet as long as other elements of the room bring it all together. We like to keep all door knobs and hinges the same throughout the home but a light or sink fixture may make a fun impact in a powder room if it is different. In general we would choose either gold/brass or silver and then pair either black or bronze with one of them.
Most people just paint ceilings and forget about them. We love to add details to the ceiling. It adds a much more dramatic and rich feeling. Try using wood moldings to make a pattern and then spray it all one color. It brings your eye up to an interesting texture.
It’s important to layer textures for a more plush feel. Beds for instance… throwing a comforter on is okay but add texture and color with pillows, blankets, quilts to complete the look. Stay away from the “bed in a bag” find your own interesting pillows to add.
If a bedroom has a bathroom suite, then both rooms should coordinate in some way. The spaces should flow with style, color and finishes. Be sure the spaces compliment each other and don’t compete against each other with two opposing styles.
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